Saturday 9 March 2013

Pinterest exercises

Trying to add exercises for specific areas from Pinterest finds.  Need to get rid of  the muffin top/tummy...down 3.8 kilos and still hate my mid section!  Will work it out though ( be nice to shape he old bottom too!

Wednesday 27 February 2013

 I have been off for a few days....I worked the Fremantle Markets all day Fri.-Sun.  long hours and exhaustion so no exercise (except walking up 5 flights of stairs). I did feel guilty about that, but worked very hard on Monday and Tuesday.  AT weigh in today I was rewarded with a total loss, from day one, of 3.3 kilos!!!!  I am so excited!
  One thing I have noticed is that my focus has shifted into other areas.... like my business, I just need to get a bit more focused daily...making a plan is going to be the way. I do like that most things are laid out with Michelle Bridges diet I don't have to do too much shifting.
  So a plan it is, one I can follow every day, preplanned so I have a plan.

Monday 18 February 2013

Down .5 kilo!!!   Official weigh in tomorrow.  I have been 'eyeing' the Step into Life group at the Carine Glades and decided to give it a go... I went this morning for my free session, that was a workout... but Conrad had told me to go at my own pace when required, so I finished (with a few exercises having a smaller count than the others people, but I will get there in a couple weeks!)  The session was cardio today, which I OBVIOUSLY need more of!
  I have the family coming over for dinner tonight (accidentally thawed a big expensive rolled roast instead of dog roll a couple days ago) so will have to watch what I am eating to keep within the calorie limit.  A bit of a test before official weigh in.
  I am feeling really great!  Haven't figured out yet why I quit exercising because, despite the pain, I really do love it!
I suppose I had better update my exercise also, so I can see my progress.
  A week ago I could barely run 300 metres without stopping to catch my breath, today I ran 1K, walked .4K and ran 1K more!  I walked it out for a cool down, and I am very proud of my progress.  Last Tues. I did Michelle Bridges workout video (well most of it anyway), that was a killer, am I really that out of shape?  So Wed. I could barely move, decided to clean the house as I could barely get in or out of the car, sit or walk down stairs I think my bottom and thighs got a real workout though.  Thurs. I was 'kind' to myself and did a water arobics class (tougher than it looks) great low impact workout!  Friday did a run/walk session then did some water arobics in my pool that I learned on Thursday.  Sat. was more water arobics and Sunday I took off.  A bit too slack on the weekend, need to pick that up!
  Loving the new 'focused' me! :)

Sunday 17 February 2013

One week in

I started the Michelle Bridges diet and exercise program one week ago (taking back my body)!  I am doing very well and enjoying the healthy meals, I LOVE the shopping list that is fully complete!  Going to the fridge and knowing I have EVERYTHING I need to prepare each meal frees up so much time!  I have printed off the recipes, put them in a display book for each type of meal, printed off the menu and the food diary page and diarised my workout times!
  Last week I was very good, except a friend's 50th put Sat. and Sunday a bit out of whack, but I was pretty good with my food anyway ( had some beautiful cheeses thank you, Liz, so working that off now).